LGBTQ+ Issues

By: Liam R.

What is the LBGTQ+ community?

LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. It's an umbrella term used to refer the community as a whole. This community celebrates pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality. I chose this topic because I feel very close to it.

Issues Faced

  • Judgement / Disapproval
    - In Schools and Public Bathrooms
    - Rejected by Family
  • Discrimination
    - In employement
    - In the workplace
  • Inequality
    - In healthcare
  • Bullying / Harassment / Violence
    - Physical / Emotional Abuse

There have been 27 transgender or gender non-conforming deaths in 2021 so far.

The majority of these people killed were Black or Latinx transgender women. Sadly these incidents go unreported or misreported the count may be higher.


What is being done?

The Biden Administration signed an executive order on
Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.

President Biden also signed another EO that Advances Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government to rescind an anti-diversity EO from the Trump Administration.

There are many national LBGTQ+ organizations and associations:

  • Family Equality Council
  • The Human Rights Campaign
  • The LGBT National Help Center

For Legal Help:

  • GLAD
  • Transgender Law Center
  • National LGBT Bar Association
  • Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund

Action Plan

There's so much unnecessary and unfavorable hate towards the LGBTQ+ community and in this world in general.
There's only so much a person like me can do to combat it but my suggestions are:

  1. Educating people on this subject
  2. Protesting / Advocating for our rights
  3. Donating to organizations
  4. Be accepting to everyone, Be Kind

Thank you!

By: Liam R.