Welcome To

Rell Penmanship

Meet Our Team:

Ethan, Ruth, Leslie, Michael, and Liam

Telephone: (1-888-888-8888)

Buisness Description


Join Us!

Mission Statement:

Our goal is to allow note taking to be made easier for students
and to provide easier and cheaper access to writing tools.

Description of Product and Services

Our product is a multifunctional "write anywhere" pen.
It uploads to a preset destination on a cloud service.
Uses a pressure sensor to detect when being used.
Includes 3 modes that can be switched with the slider on the side of the pen.

  1. Allows user to write in one spot, and each time the pen is lifted, it shifts over where it prints to act as a spacing between letters.

  2. Uploads directly as it is written, with no built in spacing.

  3. Word processing mode, it automatically takes written letters and puts them into text-format. There are "undo" and "redo" buttons on the pen that would respond to the last action made.

What is it used for?

Take notes anytime, anywhere so you can instantly capture an idea or a sketch using the Rell Pen.

Company Competitors

  • Google Pixelbook Pro; works with Google Assitant.

  • Apple Pen; works with iPad mini, iPad Air, and iPad.

  • Microsoft Surface Pen; works with Surface Computing Devices.


The Rell Pen works on any solid surface.
Rell Pen does not need an additional support device for it to function.
You can simply use a desk or even the floor!


  • Radio

  • Television

  • Youtube

  • Social Media

Target Consumers

  • Students
  • Digital Designers
  • Office Workers, Professors, and Teachers
  • Any age

Buisness Proposition

We provide:

  1. Luxurious and futuristic, easy to use feel

  2. Sturdy waterproof build

  3. Lightweight, portable to fit in pocket

  4. Greater sensitivity and design

Workplace Etiquette Expectaions

Workplace Safety:

Attendance and Time-off Policies:

Employee disciplinary action policy:


  1. Production; Produce our product

  2. Research and Development; Involved in research and testing, looking to make improvements.

  3. Purchasing; Supply resources / materials to our company.

  4. Human Resources; In charge of hiring, recruiting, and training job applicants.

  5. Finance; Keeps an updated earning report every 3 months and track where payments are being made

Participant Resume

General Requirements:

Specific Requirements:

Education Requirements:

(Must have a Highschool Diploma)

Must have at least Participated in 2 of the following:

  • Business Law
  • Hospitality
  • Human Resources
  • Real Estate
  • Accounting

Internship Opportunities

Must be 16+ to apply
Obtain a position to promote and experience the luxurious easy use the Rell Pen has to offer!

Thank You!
Any Questions?

Team: Etham, Ruth, Leslie, Michael, and Liam

This website was all made with coding!